Saturday, November 13, 2010


Verse for Today: Saturday, November 13, 2010
Psalms 61:3 - For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.

Continuous and open confession to the Lord about what He means to us is a great way to reinforce our faith in the context of confusing and distracting thoughts. These thoughts come to our hearts from around us as we face fierce opposition from the enemy of our souls. When we know that the Lord is our refuge, the enemy will try to make us doubt the capability and strength of this refuge to save us from the attacks of the enemy. Nebuchadnezzar once challenged the strength of this refuge when he spoke to the Hebrew youth in Babylon and learned the big lesson that the Lord as a refuge is mightier than he expected. The kings of the enemies of Israel challenged the people of Israel several times to think that Jehovah, their refuge, will not give them the promised level of protection. But they all had to swallow their words through bitter defeat in the hands of this Great Jehovah. Perhaps the pit and the dungeon would have spoken to Joseph several times that no one could ever get him out of there, but the Lord proved Himself to be the potent deliverer for him. Paul and Peter had the same experience of going through the challenges of the enemy, but the Lord accomplished His great purposes through them. He has always been a strong and mighty tower for His children to confide in and enjoy safety, security, joy, peace and stability. Satan knows fully well the power and might of the Lord, and he knows that God will always be refuge for His children, but he would still use all possible means at his disposal to confuse and shake the confidence of God's children. So our singing to the Lord about our confidence in Him as our refuge and tower work to reinforce our faith in Him. We cannot and should not trust in the financial security that the world gives which is like a bubble and might break any time. Our health can fail us unexpectedly. Our friends might leave and plunge us into loneliness. All the security this world can offer are fog or smoke screens which are seen for a moment, but disappear. But our Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. Even when the whole world forsakes and ignores us, He will continue to be our refuge and tower of strength. He never changes nor will He ever withdraw any of His promises. He cannot change His character and He is always faithful in keeping His promises.

Dear friend, is your faith shaken in any way because of the enormity of the situation you are in? is there doubt or confusion in your mind about what the Lord can and will do for you? Do you think He is too far from you that you are not able to hold Him and His promises and claim them for you? Remember, the Lord has been the refuge for His children all through the ages and He will never hide from any one of them in the midst of trials and temptations. He would never allow you to go it alone and be defeated in the hands of the enemy. He is always available for you to go to Him and hide in His tent to take refuge, for there is no other refuge who is able to hide us with maximum security and safety. If you are facing arrows of gossip, distortion, misrepresentation, resources crunch to meet daily needs, rejection by friends or relatives, loneliness, brutal and unrealistic criticisms or failing health, you don't need to be alarmed because your refuge is always available for you to go to and enjoy the security that He provides. He is your tower which cannot be penetrated by any of the wiles of the enemy. The enemy might contaminate or darken your circumstances for a short while, but Lord will be there as the Sun of Righteousness to brighten your pathways and lead you forward. When you put your trust in Him and His promises, He will strengthen you in your faith through His Spirit to take your eyes off the enemy and his wiles and focus on the Lord. You are made more than a conqueror through your Lord who gives you His powerhouse to draw from. So, dear friend, don't be discouraged because of the dark clouds in your horizons. Trust in the Lord and He will brighten your path and take you forward, holding your hands in darkness. No matter the storms, waves, dark clouds or the howling and roaring of the wild animals around you, there is no reason to be afraid because you are in the tent of the Lord who is your refuge and tower of strength.

2 Samuel 22:3 - The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my Savior.

Thought for Today
World's refuges are all refugees who prey on the resources God has created, but the Lord is the only Refuge for Ages because He is the Rock of Ages.

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