Fears fear faith!
Verse for Today: March 31, 2013
Mark 16:04 – But when they
looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.
God confirms the faith of His
people as He goes before them to reveal His truth to strengthen our faith to
keep going forward. There are very large stones of doubts, confusions and
apprehensions which stand in our human minds to obstruct us from seeing our
faith in action. But when we go forward by faith, God interferes in His
mysterious ways to reveal it to us by removing hindrances. The three women who
were anxious about the very large stones of doubts and confusion found that the
stone has already been removed and the stage set for them to go deeper into the
tomb. The empty tomb made great believers out of them about the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. It was revealed to those poor women who had the greatest urge to
go forward in spite of the large hindrance. If they had stayed back thinking
about the large stone, they would not have seen the empty tomb. Thus they had the
first opportunity to spread abroad the wonderful news about the risen Savior. Their
eyes were opened to see the reality of the truth of resurrection before
everyone else because they had the faith to go forward. Today the removal of
the large stone speaks to us about the way our God removes the hindrance from
our pathways. Thus we can go forward to see great and wonderful truths for us
to believe and be strengthened in our faith. No matter how large the stone of
obstruction and unbelief might be, if we take the step of faith and go forward,
our God will see to it that every hindrance is removed and every obstruction
cleared. The faith of the women at the tomb challenges us to trust God and His
power to strengthen our faith and convictions about what He will do for us in the
days ahead.
Dear reader, are you afraid of
the large obstructions and hindrances in front of you and wonder how you would
go forward in your walk of faith? Is there doubt, confusion or apprehension as
to how the stones of hindrance would be removed? The removal of your fears and
confusions is God’s response to your bold steps to go forward. In His infinite
wisdom and eternal plan, He removes the stones of fear and doubt from our
pathways, but we will experience it only when we take steps of faith to go
forward. He gives us grace for each step we take to go forward, but if we do
not take the steps of faith, we will not able to experience the grace and will
continue in our unbelief and fear to remain where we are to keep wondering
about it. But God’s revelation of the greater truths to our hearts is His
response to our faith which, of course, is His gift to us. Today let us break
the barrier of fear and doubt and trust God to keep us going when the going gets
tough. There might be large stones of obstructions, but God will remove it for
us if we trust Him and in His strength. It is not the strength of our faith,
but the object of our faith that finds the removal of obstructions of fear and
apprehension. But when we trust God, He will see to it that we march forward,
bypassing every obstruction and hindrance, to see the reality of our faith
which is founded on the resurrection of our Lord. Yes, He is alive today and so
is our hope for the future. Because He is alive, we are also alive in Him with all
that He will accomplish in and through our lives us for His glory.
Psalms 46:2 – Therefore we will
not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of
the sea.
Thought for Today
When we trust God, He removes the hindrances from our pathways and
opens our eyes to experience it.
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