Call of faith!
Verse for Today: Friday, March 15, 2013
Matthew 9:27 – As Jesus went
on from there, two blind men followed Him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son
of David!”
The intense and pressing need for
sight moved the two blind men so much as to go after Jesus, crying out for
help. They were unwilling to quit or stop crying out because they knew that
this was their opportunity and hour of deliverance. They were relentless in
their heart-cry for sight. Their passion for sight was so deep as to compel
them to keep on calling out as they were convinced that only Jesus would be
able to meet their need. Their appeal was addressed to His divinity and
humanity. They confessed Him as the eternal Son of God who created them and confessed
Him as God who came in flesh as the great grandson of David who knew the pain
and misery of human life. They also had unity of purpose as they cried out
together in one voice. They were so much committed in their cries as they walked
after Jesus by keenly listening to and following the noise of the large crowd
which went after Him. It seems as if Jesus came that way just for them. By
relentlessly following Jesus until their need was met, they publicly
acknowledged the fact that Jesus could certainly remove their blindness. The
same Jesus is passing our way today to give us what we need to solve our
problems. He will not impose His blessings upon us without our expression of
needs and priorities. But He expects us to tell Him what our needs are. We call
out to Him because there is no other person to cry unto and no other place to
go to. We also know that if we go to Him, He will never cast us out and send us
empty handed. Today we are challenged to quit expecting something from the
world around us and go only after our God who is willing and able to handle our
situations and meet our needs.
Dear reader, are you confronted
with the reality of deep and great needs in your life which only Jesus can
meet? How desperate are you with your needs? Have you reached a stage where all
your efforts at fulfilling your needs have become futile? But there is no need
for you to be frustrated because Jesus is available for you today to call out
for help. He hears you as you cry out and waits until you express your total
helplessness to Him. When you tell Him how desperate you are and how you
confess Him as the one and only help in times of your depravity, failure, loss,
defeat and despair, He will come your way to meet your needs in the most
amazing manner. He is your Shepherd who knows all your needs and has all the
resources to meet those needs. Time is not a constraint for Him as He can work
in split seconds to meet your needs just as He turned water into wine or fed a
crowd of thousands in the desert with meager means. His infinite power prevails
over all your needs and brings about a great and astonishing change. His help
comes when you are totally helpless. Let your relentless cry with importunity be
the mark of your faith and trust. He is a compassionate Lord whose heart melts
for you when you are desperate. He never despises you when you keep asking Him,
but listens to you with compassion each time you cry out. Today the Lord Jesus
is listening to your passionate cry and is ready with all His blessings to be
given to you. Keep asking and crying unto Him until He gives you all that you
need to serve Him and live for Him.
John 14:18 – I will not leave
you as orphans; I will come to you.
Thought for Today
Our relentless faith to cry unto God until He answers us is the test of
our trust in His power to meet our innermost needs.
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