Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Midnight hope!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Mark 6:48 He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night (Jesus) went out to them walking on the lake.

God’s omnipresence is the greatest comfort of His people as they go through the rough patches of life. He is with us in our darkest nights when no one else is around to help. He sees how much we are struggling with our boat and the oars in the sea of life. When we are stuck in the middle of the opposing winds and the roaring waves in the darkest nights, His presence is with us to illuminate His glory to our eyes. When there is fear and apprehension in our hearts and when we lose all hope, Jesus comes to us to give us hope, courage and confidence. He will not leave us alone to fight our battles in life, but will strengthen us to keep going. In our emptiness, He comes to fill us. In our weaknesses, He comes to empower us. When all hope is gone, He comes to rekindle our hope and faith. In our exasperation, He comes to give us confidence. When we are all alone, He comes to give us companionship. He walks over the volatile waves and high tides of our lives to demonstrate His power and strength. His appearance in the midst of our turmoil and turbulence takes away our fear, anxiety, doubt and confusions. His presence rekindles our hope to keep trusting Him to see us through our difficulties.  He comes to partake in our trials and will not leave us to suffer all alone. Sometimes we wonder why He is far away, or delaying, but He will come waling over our troubles at the right time to dispel our fears and anxieties. He is our partner in all our difficulties to take us forward through it all towards His purposes for us.

Dear friend, are you going through serious battles in life in dark, windy and unstable circumstances? Are there moments when you feel all alone to paddle through the overpowering wind and waves of life? Are you friendless and lonely in your struggles? Is your strength ebbing away as you keep fighting battles one after another? But the Lord who has brought you so far will not leave you alone in the desperate moments of your life. When all your situations and circumstances are against you, the Lord will still come to fortify you to keep going. He was with Paul when all the people he loved forsook Him. When Daniel was far away from home and fighting his battles in the difficult circumstances and situation, his Lord was with Him and delivered him from all his troubles. David experienced the warmth and care of His Great Shepherd when he faced threats. His Lord helped Jacob to keep going whenever the going became tough and brought him through the splendid experiences of Bethel, Peniel, Beersheba and Hebron. Jesus saw Paul through the wreckage of life in prisons, seas, court rooms and among angry mobs. He kept His hands on Jeremiah to continue with his ministry in the midst of all his battles. He gave revelations of His glory to John when he was in Patmos in exile as an old man. He goes to all His children who are going through turbulence and turmoil, to release them and to give them the grace to go through it all and get victory. Today He comes to you to impart courage and to take away your fears and anxieties. Look unto Him and allow His glory to radiate into our desperation to give you confidence and courage to keep going.

Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed because I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Thought for Today
Our God comes to shed His glory on our worst scenarios to strengthen and release us.

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