Behind the cross!
Verse for Today: Friday, March 29, 2013
Mark 11:07 – They brought the
colt to Jesus and put their coats on it; and (Jesus) sat on it.
were many colts in
Palestine during Jesus’ time, but He chose to ride on one which was
never used
by anyone to ride. He was looking for a colt which could be fully
dedicated for
Him to ride. The colt had no experience carrying people, but it
willingly and
gracefully carried Jesus around. When Jesus rode the colt through the
of Jerusalem, no one would have noticed the colt, but all saw Jesus and
worshiped Him. The colt was not concerned about what to eat or the
length of
the assignment, but it would just trust its Master to look after its
needs and
toil. The colt rode with its head to the ground and would not raise it
up so
that it would not in any way be seen, but its heavenly rider would be
seen with
His head lifted up. But that was the greatest moment of contentment for
colt as it was chosen to carry Jesus around. The colt didn’t resist a
new rider
because that rider was its Creator God who had every right to ride on
it. Jesus
is today looking for lives which are fully dedicated to Him so that He
can use it.
The colt that Jesus rode had an earthly owner who had no reluctance to
it for Jesus. Jesus expects the same attitude from all His children with
our assets so that it can all be used for Him. Like that colt, we are
to carry Jesus around as His witnesses. He doesn’t want us to carry
anyone else
in our lives. It is a great blessing for us to be His witnesses without
concerned about ourselves and our affairs. Our lives are for Him to use
the way
He wants. He has absolute claim over our lives because He created us
Adam and recreated us on the cross. Today let us untie ourselves from
all our
earthly bondage and submit all our faculties for Jesus to use us as we
all our life’s concerns to Him.
Dear reader, are you bonded with
the world around you or free for Jesus to use you today? Are you more concerned
about your own well-being that you show reluctance to be of use to Jesus? Remember,
the opportunity that you have today may never come back to you. There are so
many others whom He can use, but it has pleased Him to ride on your life today
which is your greatest privilege. In order to exemplify Him in your life, you
will have to shed your ego, personal priorities and concerns for your welfare. When
you surrender yourself to be His witness, He takes care of all your concerns.
As His colt, you have no scope to expect great privileges like carrying the nobility
and the wise of the world. The best you can expect from this world is to carry
its perishable commodities. The world will force you to carry heavy loads for
which all you get is some fodder at the will and pleasure of your taskmasters.
But when Jesus rides on your life, you walk on decorated streets with the accompaniment
of praise to the King. Today Jesus wants you for His agenda in this world. If
you are willing to leave behind all the comforts and security of your earthly
owners and all that binds you to the world, He will make use of you for His
glory. When you carry His name in your life, He takes you forward with Him.
Your great reward in this world is that your life lifts up the King of glory.
But a greater reward awaits you at the Bema for promoting the cause of Jesus
here on earth.
Luke 17:10 – “We are unworthy
servants; we have only done our duty.”
Thought for Today
Hiding behind the cross of Jesus
to glorify Him is the greatest privilege of the unworthy servants of the King.
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