Thursday, March 7, 2013


You’re not alone!
Verse for Today: Thursday, March 07, 2013
Matthew 1:23 – The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel which means, “God with us.”

God has been with His people in His power and presence ever since man was created. Often man tried to run away from God, but God always came running after man because of His interest, commitment and love for man. He demonstrated His power and strength in delivering them from their low estate and meeting their multifarious needs. He dwelt among them in their camps in the tabernacle. God spoke to them through His prophets and led them. But when God demonstrated His love to man in no unequivocal terms, He came to dwell among His people physically. This meant that God had to take a body like their body to demonstrate to them that He knows all their physical experiences in depth. Thus God came to grip with the reality of human sufferings, pain, misery, depravity and isolation. He was born as a baby, and He grew up to experience rejection, intimidation, criticism, misunderstanding, distortion and persecution. In the midst of it all, He traveled around to minister to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the people who encountered suppression, oppression, slavery, hunger, deprivation, social stigma, demon possession and spiritual darkness. He lived among such people and welcomed them to have fellowship with Him. He released people from spiritual bondage and taught them eternal truths. Today He is with us, though unseen, as the living Word, to enrich, empower and enable us to enjoy true spiritual freedom and all the blessings of the heavenly realms. He offers us peace in a world without peace. He gives us satisfaction in a world full of frustrations. His presence is available to all who seek Him diligently.

Dear friend, do you feel lonely, rejected, isolated, unwanted, unloved and depraved in the stark realities of life? Do you think that you are all alone to fight your battles and carry your burdens in life? Are you facing fierce situations in life which make you shudder and wonder whether life has any meaning? Today Immanuel comes to you to remind you that you are not all alone and that He is with you as your inseparable companion in all your tough and rough situations. The awareness and faith that He is with you will strengthen you to fight your battles in His strength and mighty power. In your loneliest moments, He fortifies you with His love and fills your heart with the assurance that He will never leave you nor forsake you. In times of need, He comes to meet it all according to His riches in glory. When you are hurt, He comes to nurse your wounds and to apply oil and wine. He gives you wisdom to make decisions and choices which are part of His plan for you. He uses your hands to touch the lives of the suffering people around. He travels with you through the rough patches of life to take you by the hand and lead you forward. He helps you to fight temptations and to become an overcomer. He teaches you patience to wait for His time to meet all your emotional and physical needs. Our Immanuel lives in us, with us and leads and guides us to march forward victoriously every day of our lives. Every tear will be wiped by His hands and every hurt soothed and healed by His Word. When He is with us, every burden is lightened and all darkness turned to bright light. Today it is our blessed privilege to rejoice that we are not alone in all our battles in life and that our Immanuel is with us every step of the way.

John 14:18 – I will not leave you as orphans; I will come with you.

Thought for Today
The presence of the unseen Immanuel is sufficient guarantee to meet the challenges of all our situations. 
Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support. 
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