Saturday, March 16, 2013


Care and watchfulness!
Verse for Today: Saturday, March 16, 2013
Matthew 10:30 – And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

It is fascinating to realize how much God knows about His children. He knows us so well as to even know the number of hairs on our heads. It is far more fascinating to know that one of these hairs will not fall to the ground without God’s knowledge and permission. Such is the care our Father in heaven has for us and our affairs. Nothing happens to us without His knowledge and permission. Sometimes He allows things to happen to us which are not pleasant. But God allows it in our lives with an eternal purpose which is always for our good. Those things which are not good in itself will work together for our good and will meet His eternal purpose in and through us. The famine during Joseph’s time in the various countries was bad for the people. But God worked it out for Joseph’s dreams to come true. It gave Egyptians a great ruler in Joseph with wisdom to manage the sufferings arising from drought and famine well. But it also created the avenue for Jacob and his whole family to move to Egypt along with a wonderful reunion with Joseph. It created the setting for Jacob to die as a contended man. It was God’s way to preserve His eternal plan of redemption for mankind. A terrible storm and subsequent events brought Prophet Jonah to repentance which led to his preaching in Nineveh and to the repentance of the people. Storms, waves and wind built up the faith and confidence of the disciples. Threats and dangers enhanced the faith of David to keep writing several Psalms of faith which God’s people sing through the centuries. So we know that even if a single hair falls to the ground, our God knows about it as He causes it to happen with a great purpose. He will guard us from getting hurt from it all and will keep us going for His glory.

Dear friend, are you perplexed about the many seemingly unpleasant experiences you have been going through lately? Have these events been causing pain and heartache for you? These experiences would have they been emotionally and physically costly? But Jesus wants you to understand that He knows all about it which is a great consolation. He knows you well and will not allow any untoward thing to happen to you. He will not permit others to touch you and will protect you under His wings. He knows all your weaknesses, shortages, lapses, failures and losses and works in you to get victory over all your predicaments. If He allows some losses in your life, He will make sure to have some gains in the spiritual realm to compensate for what is lost. He wants you to learn that your spiritual gain is far more important than the physical because the physical will pass away but the spiritual will remain with you forever. But that doesn’t mean that God will not take care of you in the physical realm. He knows your body and mind well enough to take care of any gaps. All that happens to you will aid in your spiritual growth and development. When the physical and emotional realms are attacked by the enemy, God will give you spiritual fervor to deal with the attacks. You will then be able to sing for joy as Paul and Silas did in the prison or as David did even in the wilderness when he was running for life. Today God reassures you that He knows your physical and emotional needs so well and that He will care for you because you are precious to Him. He challenges you to trust Him for all your physical and emotional needs and sustain you in His grace to live for His glory as a shining witness for Him.

Psalms 121:7 – The Lord will keep you from all harm – He will watch over your life.

Thought for Today
The God who accounts for your hair keeps your body, emotions, life and spirit from all harm.
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