Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Overcoming turbulence!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Matthew 7:25 – The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

The foundation of our lives reveals how we overcome the various turbulence in life. Only those lives which are founded on the Rock of Ages will stand the test of turmoil. The lives which are built on faith and trust in God will stand in the midst of adversities. If we have ardent and unshakable faith in the promises of God, we will come out victorious through the most troublesome circumstances. The rain of blessings will sometimes raise the streams of life which become a threat to our existence. But if we trust in the drops of blessings from above, we will learn to keep looking up with faith to survive the tempests. If we swim along the currents of the stream and depend on its water to make us float around, it is likely that we will be tossed around. But if our lives are built on the strong foundation of the promises of God, we will not be battered with the blowing of the wind of doubt, confusion, unbelief and uncertainty. If our foundation rests on unstable and lose human opinions and feelings, we will not stand the test of winds of frustration, financial crunch and failing health. Sometimes the wind of opposition, unfair criticism, misunderstanding, false propaganda and blackmailing will hit us hard. But if we trust in the power of God to withstand these pressures, we will keep going forward. Today let us face our difficult circumstances in the strength of our foundation of God’s promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Dear friend, is your life strongly founded in the power of God’s promises? When you face a new wind, storm, flood and the billows of life, is a comforting Word popping up in your heart to strengthen you? If you are not well built on the Word of God, your adverse circumstances will lead you to frustration and depression through doubt and confusion. If God is your foundation in life, you will be capable of withstanding the pressures against you. So when adversity bangs on us, let us keep trusting in God and His promises and renew our confidence in Him. The enemy of our soul will try to uproot us through adversity. When adversity lasts long and makes our situations cloudy and dark, our faith will lead us to the Rock of Ages. He will make us fearless and confident. The sound of the wind blowing against our windows of eyes and ears might make us wonder what is going on around us. But God’s promises will illuminate our inner eyes to see the glory of God in the midst of turmoil and turbulence. Paul had such a vision of the Lord during the shipwreck on his way to Rome. Peter had such confidence in His Lord that kept him from wavering only a few hours before his scheduled execution. Daniel had such courage and strength in His God when he was in danger of imminent devouring by hungry lions.  Today let us renew our trust in the Rock of Ages who is the foundation of our faith. Let us refresh our hearts with the power of the promises of God as we face newer and newer storms in life. Let us keep going in the strength of our foundation and keep believing in His power to help us withstand the flood and the storms that try to devour us. With Jesus as our anchor, we shall overcome all adversities because of our sure foundation of God’s promises.

 Psalms 46: 2&3 – Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Thought for Today
The life that is built on the Rock of Ages can withstand the pressures of any turbulent situation.

Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support. 
All communications to todayintheword@gmail.com

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