Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Reshaping faith!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Matthew 19:26 – Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Man has a lot of limitations in the exercise of his power. Even though he has certain abilities, these are limited to the physical realm of life. Most of the things man attempts ends up in chaos because of his physical and mental limitations. The more he tries to resolve his problems, the greater are the complications he ends up with. This is why God asks man to turn his life over to Him to shape it according to His will. Those who willingly submit themselves to God will find their lives regenerated, revived and restored by Him through His Spirit. God has the power to do anything that He desires in this world and in the lives of people. He is all-powerful and Almighty, but His dealings with man are out of compassion and grace. It is God who opens the doors of heaven for man to enter and helps man to accomplish God’s purpose in his life. Anything that man does without God’s strength will end up in failure. So God comes to ask man to submit himself to Him so that He can change man’s life and perspectives to use him to accomplish His plan in and through man. Man can only try to imitate and camouflage divine things, but it will not bring forth any godly outcome. Man’s self improvement plans will only be like that of the magicians of Egypt who tried to perform the miracles that Moses did.  But if we hand our brokenness, strife, failures, losses and defeats over to God, He will take it and make something wonderful and marvelous out of it. Today God challenges us to hand our impossible situations over to Him to reshape, revive and rebuild it for His glory.

Dear friend, are you confronted with complicated situations which are impossible for you to turn around? Are the consequences of your impossible situations frightening you? Have you encountered defeat, failure and loss in your life? But you don’t have to lose hope and give up. Today God comes to ask you to willingly submit your cluttered and cloudy situations to Him and ask Him to reshape it. He will solve your puzzles and turn your hopelessness into prospects for your good and His glory. He who rebuilt the burned up walls and gates of Jerusalem can rebuild your life also. He who picked up the pieces of the ruined lives of Rehab, Ruth, Hanna, Mary Magdalene and Onesimus will rebuild your life also. When God takes over the ash heaps of your past, He will convert it into heaps of blessings. He can use your revived life as a door for others to enter His presence. He will wipe your tears and turn your countenance into joy unspeakable.  If you think that you are in an impossible situation, you have the privilege, freedom and opportunity to hand it over to God and see how He turns it into great accomplishments for Him. Don’t jump into write it off, but jump into the bandwagon of faith in God and rewrite your future. It was God who made a few fishermen to turn the world upside down for Him. It was God who made the forgotten Joseph to become the savior of nations and the pathway to sustaining God’s plan of redemption.  It was God who cleaned up the wicked earth and turned it into a fresh and fertile place for man to live after the flood. It was God who made a lamb out of the lion-like Saul of Tarsus. It was God who made a prince out of the schemer Jacob. The same God is ready, willing and able to take the rags of your life and turn it into a sweet smelling flowerpot. It is impossible for you to accomplish it, but it is possible for God if you are willing to hand it over to Him.

Luke 1:37 – For nothing is impossible with God.

Thought for Today
Faith turns man’s impossibilities into God’s possibilities. 

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