Thursday, March 28, 2013


Transformed by faith!
Verse for Today: Thursday, March 28, 2013
Mark 10:50 – Throwing his cloak aside, (Bartimaeus) jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.

We often trust in the temporary comforts the world gives us which hinders us from going to God in utter dependence. But unless we are willing to shed our trust in what the world offers, we will not be free to go to Jesus for transformation. Spiritually blind people like Bartimaeus had to shed their cloak of comfort and the rebuke of the crowd to reach Jesus. The cloaks and the walking sticks that this world gives only perpetuate their dependence on and bondage with the world. Jesus doesn’t want us to be blind and deprived. He wants our eyes open so that we can see His glory which is possible only if we forsake our bindings and dependence on the temporal things the world offers. When Jesus of Nazareth passes our way to change our lives, it is our moment of truth to go to Him and acknowledge Him as our only hope.. It is our opportunity for heavenly light to enter into our lives. It is our time to shed our life of begging for the mercy of the world and its systems of bondage, and depend upon Jesus to revolutionize our lives. Jesus stops for us at the threshold of our lives and asks us to go to Him by faith and submit our problems and needs to Him. The God of impossibility will meet our dire needs and revolutionize our outlook. But we need to confess our nothingness just as Bartimaeus confessed himself as a blind a blind beggar. Jesus meets our basic needs so that we can follow Him like Bartimaeus did. Today is our opportunity to cry unto Him no matter how vast our needs are. He will oblige us and grant our requests to help us see His glory so that we can shed our dependence on this world and its temporary solaces to follow Him.

Dear friend, are you blindly dependent on the world and its system to meet your daily needs? Are you taking comfort in the cloaks and the mats that the world has imposed upon you to be perennially under its bondage? But there is no need for you to continue to endure the begging bowl of this world. The Lord Jesus is passing by just for you to draw near to Him. He wants you to cry unto Him and let your needs be known to Him. Even though there is a multitude which follows Him, He is still willing to stop for you. The crowd will not show any sympathy, but will only rebuke you because your loud cries of dependence and faith will be an inconvenience for them. Jesus came to this world for needy people like you and not for mob which has selfish interests. He is more interested in one needy and crying individual than a crowd of curious people. He is ready and willing to stop to bless you if you are willing to shed your dependence on the world and its systems. Just come up from your beggar’s corner and live like a prince or princes for Jesus by faith. He will open your eyes to see the Blessed One who is the owner of all the blessings of the heavenly places. He knows all your needs and will answer your prayers to meet all your needs according to His riches in glory. When you see Him in His glory, it would certainly satisfy your every longing. His glory will help you to leave behind your old lifestyle to follow Him. He will transform your life as you walk after Him by faith. Today Jesus is coming your way to change your life and meet your needs if only you are willing to go to Him by faith.

Psalms 9:10b - … for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.  

Thought for Today
Our unwillingness to admit our needs and to shed the cloaks of dependence on the world often hinders us from being transformed by Jesus.

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