Response to His call!
Verse for Today: Friday, March 08, 2013
Matthew 4:22 – (James and
John) immediately followed (Jesus), leaving their boat and their father behind.
God desires our partnership no
matter what our expertise and occupation might be. He calls those who are
fishing out in the sea of life and those who mend the nets on the beach. He is
interested in us whether we are busy in the company of associates or alone in
the sea of life trying to earn a living. When He calls, He looks at what we can
become rather than what we are at present. No matter what our expertise or
experience is, He can use us by mending us to make us fit instruments in His
hands. The experience of the two pairs of brothers reveals to us the truth that
we must listen to the voice of our Lord and respond. Our response is an outcome
of our love and loyalty to Him. Our response is the direct result of the impact
He creates in our lives. Thus when we respond to the Lord, He becomes our
security, sustenance, strength, support and satisfaction. The urgency with
which we respond is an indication of the way the Lord has touched our lives.
The power of His command will only move us if we are sufficiently captivated by
His love. It makes us detached from our attachment with people, profession,
skills, assets, associations and priorities. Only when our sufficiency is in
God can we depend on Him for all our needs and abandon ourselves on His
credibility. The two brothers in the sea and the two on the beach found Jesus
to be their everything and their all. They found Him sufficient for their
current and future needs. They decided not to look at the sea, boats, nets,
fish and business to take them forward, but to the creator of sea and fish.
Today the same Lord calls all who are willing to put their faith in Him to take
them forward and trust Him alone for their livelihood.
Dear friend, do you trust both
the temporal and the eternal at the same time to take you forward in life? When
the temporal pulls you to its stride to make use of you for its own benefit,
the eternal lovingly attracts you to the sublime, noble and glorious cause of
God. When we follow Jesus, He becomes our guarantee for all our days. He gives
us the confidence that in Him we have everything we need in this life. He is today
in the process of making us what we ought to be for Him and His kingdom. He
takes us through the path of faith in Him on a step by step basis. He gives us
grace for our everyday needs, challenges, battles and situations. As we follow
Him, we have His resources to draw from. He has enough for each day to meet all
our needs just as the Israelites received the daily manna. When Jesus is our
guarantee for all our days here on earth, there is no need for us to look at
the huge mountains of this world to help us. Our sustenance doesn’t depend on
the seas, farms, mountains, mines or rigs of this world, but on God’s
inexhaustible and immeasurable riches. He wants us to follow Him alone so that
His goodness in His warehouse will be added unto us to meet our physical,
emotional and social needs on a daily basis. His call includes all His
provisions which we can enjoy by faith. Today and every day, He renews the
guarantee of His provisions to us and expects us to renew our love, commitment
and allegiance to Him. If we are sufficiently moved by His love, we will follow
Him ardently and unconditionally.
Matthew 16:25 – If you try to
hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My
sake, you will save it. (NLT)
Thought for Today
A life that is adequately detached from the temporal can only be
sufficiently attached to Jesus Christ.
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