Saturday, April 13, 2013


Dwelling with Jesus!
Verse for Today: Saturday, April 13, 2013
John 1:39 – “Come,”, (Jesus) replied, “and you will see.” So they went and saw where He was staying, and spent that day with Him. It was about the tenth hour.

There are a lot of people who observe Jesus from a distance, but do not use the opportunity to get to know Him closer. Jesus is asking all such people to go close to Him and spend the impending night with Him to bring heaven down to their lives. Staying with Jesus means accepting all inconveniences attached to a person who had no place to lay his head. But when we go and dwell with Him, our night becomes day and our life becomes heavenly. Our time with Him is sufficient to change our lives for the present and the future. We will find right answers to our puzzling questions, doubts and confusions that we might have. He will fill our hearts with the love, peace and grace of God as happened to Andrew and John who dwelt with Him for a night. They beheld His glory in some measure as it was possible for them to understand. But it was the beginning of a lifetime of fellowship, interaction and fulfillment. It changed their goals in life from temporal to eternal. It revolutionized their thinking, rearranged their priorities and gave them a new vision. Meeting with Jesus created such a great impact in their lives to make them convince others to go to Him. They later gave up dependence on their career, livelihood, business and relationships for Jesus. They were ready to die for public opinion and were willing to live against the religious powerhouses of their times. They developed faith in Him which took away their cares in life and made them challenge the notions of existentialism. They decided to live for Jesus and not for themselves. Today Jesus is asking us to dwell with Him and enjoy His Lordship which is a yoke of love and grace that gives us the thrill of a lifetime.

Dear friend, if you are seeking genuine purposefulness, it can be found in Jesus. If you are concerned about cares and challenges in life, Jesus will meet it. If you hand over your life and its priorities to Jesus, He will revolutionize it for His glory. He will empower and enable you to live by faith and trust in Him to meet your every need. If you have puzzles for which there are no human answers, the Lord Jesus will be your answer. You can confide in Him in all your situations. When we experience darkness all around which petrifies us, Jesus will lighten up our pathways. Jesus is the answer to all homeless people like Jacob by showing them His eternal home for them to live with Him forever. When you are with Him, your every need is looked after according to His riches in glory. Your initial encounter with Jesus will convince you that there is always room for you near to His heart. When you meet with Jesus, He has a lot to tell you about the Father’s House where there is provision for your every situation. But we have to leave the cares of the world behind us to join with Jesus to dwell with Him. It will be the beginning of a new relationship which will redefine all our earthly relationships. He will compensate us richly for all our losses in this temporal world when we meet Him at the Bema. The world might call us thoughtless people for leaving all that we have in this world behind us for Jesus. Today Jesus asks us to go and dwell with Him through the dark night that is ahead of us and enjoy His light to weather away all the cares of this life.

John 6:68 – Simon Peter answered (Jesus), “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Thought for Today
Blessed are those who taste the sweetness of dwelling with Jesus, for they would be enthralled in His love.

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