Learning from failures!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
John 21:6a – Jesus said, “Throw your net on the right side of the
boat and you will find some (fish).”
There is an ocean of difference between doing things at our will
and at God’s commandment. The secret of success of a child of God is to start
by discerning whether his actions are prompted by self-will or by God’s
instructions. In our urge to accomplish our priorities and goals, we often jump
into our own decisions rather than wait for God’s will. But God comes to tell
us to surrender our impulses to Him rather than go forward with our agenda. We
are often like Peter and his brothers who went back to that which we they gave
up for Jesus. But Jesus has a much better plan for us. When we get defeated in
our own initiatives and as we reach the doldrums of our backsliding, He comes
in search of us so that we can be restored. He meets us at the point of our
greatest failures to rebuild our faith. He comes to take control of our
failures and turn it around to accomplish His purpose in our lives. He shows us
where, how and why we failed. He tells us that we must wait for His word to
initiate actions. He meets us at the depth of our failures to encourage and
strengthen us. He visits us in the depth of our discouragement and loss of
dignity. He steps into strengthen our faith to keep going. He helps us to see
our failures caused out of our individualism and self-will. He will be with us
in our hopelessness, not to scold us or criticize us, but to give us another
chance to put our faith in Him. Today Jesus comes our way to help us examine
our failures and to get things right with Him so that our failures can be
turned to great accomplishments for Him.
Dear friend, are you going through failures and defeats in certain
areas of your life? Is there failure in your job, business, relationships,
ministry, family life, or testimony? Do you feel that your means were right, and
wonder why it ended in failure, loss and defeat? Are you facing embarrassment
in life and have you become deeply discouraged because of failures? But at the
bottom of your pit of failure, Jesus meets you to revive your sagging life. He
comes not to find fault, but to turn your failures into great accomplishments
for Him. He has the right answers to your questions about your failure. Perhaps
you failed to ask for His permission before setting out. Perhaps your program
was for your own accomplishments and not for the glory of God. Perhaps you ran
ahead of God in your enthusiasm to get things done. But today He wants to teach
you the greatest lessons that you must walk with Him rather than run before
Him. If your desire is genuine to meet a realistic need, He will tell you what
to do and where to cast your net. He doesn’t want you to wallow in your
failures and get depressed, but to leap forward in new direction in hope and
faith at His instruction. When you obey Him, there will be amazing results
which will glorify Him. Your new catch will practically become His catch you
got at His word. It will then be possible for you to sit in retrospect and
rededicate your life for Him to use it as it pleases Him. The new lessons in
faith will further equip you to become fit instrument in His hands. Your
failure will thus become a turning point in your life for greater usefulness
for Him. Just confess your inadequacy and powerlessness and He will transform
it into great demonstration of His power. Today is your opportunity to use your
failure as a platform to leap forward by faith.
Philippians 4:13 – I can do everything through Him who gives me
Thought for Today
When we surrender our failures and defeats to Jesus, He will transform
our lives to demonstrate His mighty power.
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