Monday, April 15, 2013


Shelter and Shield!
Verse for Today: Monday, April 15, 2013
Isaiah 25:4 - (The Lord) has been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.  

Storms in life threaten and discourage us and take away our confidence to face its wicked face. The parching heat of circumstances makes us crave for shades to escape its intensity. But the powers of the world prove to be incapable to ward off our fears in such circumstances as they are only mirages when we approach them. They do not have the capacity to protect us. They plunge us into false hope. But for our weary and frustrated souls, there is a source of true protection and safety under the wings of the Lord. He is the perfectly dependable refuge to all who go run into Him in their difficult circumstances and situations. He gives shelter with a banquet hall to those who are spiritually poor and admit their depravity. When the world makes prisoners out of us, the Lord liberates us to enjoy the comfort, hope, confidence and satisfaction which He offers. He hides us under His mighty wings where we find safety and fearlessness. Under His wings, there is grace available for us to face every difficult situation. He is our city of refuge to run into. He is our Rock of Ages to find stability in our unstable situations. He holds our hands and takes away all our fears, apprehensions and anxieties. His doors are always open for us to have free access to Him at any time. There is enough room for all of us to dwell under His shadows. He keeps his cool waters and green pastures ready for us to fearlessly enjoy in all our situations. Today He welcomes us to enjoy His shadows and the shelter of His wings and dwell in peace when we are caught in the devastating storms of everyday life.  

Dear friend, are you being battered by the buffeting storms and parching heat of your present circumstances? Is the pressure you endure in your soul burning you off? Does the enemy whisper hopelessness into your ears and push you to the depths of despair and distress? Are you being torn apart by stress and turmoil? Are there times when you do not have a place or a person to turn to and take a break? But in all your devastating circumstances, God is always a refuge to go to for shelter and protection. His presence will take away all your fears and give you courage and confidence. He comes to assure you that there is no need for you to lose heart in difficult situations. He offers you refuge under His wings, but will treat you as His precious child and not as a refugee. His walls of safety around you and the vastness of His resources will give you confidence and courage to keep dwelling under His wings and in His shadows. He will take special care to protect your heart and mind from getting baffled by your devouring situations. His Spirit is indwelling in you to remind you of the great and powerful promises He has made for you to face all your challenges in life. Storms and heat will not affect you when you are under His wings. There is absolute safety for you even when the world plunges you into its furnaces.  It is His loving responsibility to keep you from all harm and hurt, and sustain you through every turbulence that blasts against you. Today let us draw unto Him and confide in Him in our difficult situations and take confidence in His faithfulness to keep us going when the going gets tough. Let us not allow ourselves to get discouraged by looking at our circumstances, but be encouraged and strengthened by taking refuge in our God.  

Psalms 9:9 - The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, and a stronghold in times of trouble.  

Thought for Today
Earthly forces will not destabilize us when we are covered by the Heavenly Shield.

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