Fountain of praise!
Verse for Today: Sunday, April 07, 2013
Luke 18:43 – Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus,
praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.
All that God accomplishes in this world are for the praise of His holy
name. His acts are mysterious, astonishing and unparalleled. Jesus came to this
world to touch and change the events and lives of people. It is amazing that
when Satan caused to ruin the lives of human being through deception, God uses
the same human lives to cause His name to be praised. Jesus used storms,
sickness, shortages, failures and losses to cause people to praise His name.
Every time He touched the lives of people and made them whole, it caused people
to acknowledge it as a divine act. All who experienced His blessings praised
Him. The blind man found that his blindness caused Jesus to receive praise from
him and the onlookers. His blindness and begging has caused him to plead for
healing from Jesus. Jesus made everyone to realize that when He touches lives and
interferes in the events centering on people, it brings forth great changes in people’s
lives. He comes to us today to make us realize that the various concerns and
issues in our lives are used by Him to exhibit His power for our blessing. When
He gives us jobs, positive results in our evangelistic initiatives, saving the
souls of our dear ones, gives us victory in spiritual battle, good yield in our
farms or leading us in our various ministries, we can see His hand and power in
it all. When He accomplishes impossible things in our lives, it causes us to
praise Him. When our prayers are answered, it causes His name to be praised.
Sometimes, when He says ‘no’ or ‘wait’ to our prayers, the ultimate results
make us to praise Him. Today He wants to
come and touch our lives in a special way to cause us to praise Him through the
impact He causes in and around us.
Dear friend, are you depressed that certain unfortunate experiences came
your way which has caused heartaches and frustrations in your life? Have you
found that God has been silent and waiting to answer your prayers? Have you been
going through difficulties of certain type like the blind beggar who sat at Jesus’
wayside? Jesus will not forsake you, but will come your way. One of these days,
Jesus will walk by, just for your life to be changed. He knows that you have
been struggling for some time and understands your troubled situations. He
makes Himself available for you to cry unto Him for help. The crowd that is
around will not be able to help you, but will only be a hindrance by rebuking
you for disturbance. But Jesus is willing to stop for you with solutions to
your predicaments. The blind man would have wondered as to why blindness came
to his life! But the sight Jesus gave him amazed him and all who were around
and they all praised Him. The pathetic beggar has now become a praising
follower. His begging to man stopped when he begged God. The rebuke of the
people could not shut his faith up. Even those who rebuked turned around to praising
and rejoicing. Today Jesus wants to use your life and experiences to cause His
name to be praised. But He expects you to cry unto Him for help even though He
knows your situations well. He wants you to lift up your voice of faith to
plead aloud for His touch. When you experience wholeness, He wants you to give
your re-created life to Him to make it a fountain of praise to His name. When
Jesus transforms your life, He wants it to be a source reasonable worship to
John 11:40 - Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you
believed, you would see the glory of God?”
Thought for Today
God touches our lives to make
us fountains of praise for Him.
Write for further
spiritual help, counseling and prayer support.
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