Tranquility amidst tumults!
Verse for Today: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Mark 6:31b – Then …….. (Jesus) said to (the disciples), “Come with Me
by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
God is concerned that His children go to find rest in His presence. But
human life is such that we often find our days full of activities, turbulence
and tumults. Our busyness thwarts us of rest for our bodies and minds. But God
tells us that it is important to recharge our spiritual batteries in His
presence. We will not be boggled with anxiety and cares of life when we are in
His presence. We will find rich fellowship with Him and will engage in sweet communication
with Him. It is when we quietly listen that the Lord will speak to us. He has a
lot to tell us about Himself and His plan for our lives. Abraham developed a
habit to meet with God daily at a particular time and place for rich
fellowship. Their regular meetings developed into friendship which resulted in
God revealing His plan of action to Him. Abraham received great promises from
God during those quiet moments. It was there that Abraham laid down his burdens
and shared his apprehensions and desires. Those were seemingly unstable days
for Abraham who was a tent-maker, moving from place to place as a stranger and a
pilgrim. But He was strengthened through those quiet moments. David experienced
such quiet moments in caves and forests when he was a fugitive. But those
moments produced the greatest psalms which depicted the character of God. Joseph,
Paul and Peter enjoyed such quiet moments in their prison cells. John
experienced the richness of his quiet moments with Jesus in exile in Patmos.
God knows how much we all need such rest to regain strength and restore our
brokenness. He encourages us to go near to His heart to take a break each day and
rest a while to regain our vitality and vigor for Him.
Dear friend, are you leading a busy life which takes heavy toll on your
body, mind and spirit? Do you ever feel drained out and exhausted physically,
emotionally and spiritually? God doesn’t want you to become a physical or
emotional wreck and break down. He wants you to find enough time to rest and
enjoy the peace that God’s presence would provide. His Spirit and Word will
restore your brokenness and remove frustrations and stress. He will rebuild you
through His Word to strengthen your faith and increase your trust in Him. He
will establish your mind at peace in your tumultuous circumstances. He will
find ways to handle your difficult situations. When you are alone with the
Lord, you can express your concerns and confusions to Him and get vital answers.
He is available to His children all the time and is willing to give us rest if
we take time off to approach Him. During these quiet moments, He will share spiritual
insights with you which will make your life aglow. Your heart and expressions
will shine with His glory when you spend time with Him just as Moses did. Your
heart will become a fountain of spiritual hymns in spite of your difficult
situations as in the case of David. When you get revitalized and reemerge from
God‘s presence, you will be able to share God’s glory with others as Paul and
John Did. When you get the touch of His power, you will be able to reach out people
who are weak and brokenhearted to impart spiritual healing. Today Jesus is
asking you to take time off your tumultuous life to spend a few quiet moments with
Him so that your life will be enriched with His glory, filled with His Word and
moved by His Spirit to face future challenges.
Mathew 11:28 – Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I
will give you rest.
Thought for Today
When we go to the Lord to
unburden ourselves, He will fill us with His power and strength to live
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