Orphans made heirs!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, April 16, 201 3
14:18 - I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
We feel
all alone when those whom we cherish and depend on reject and resent us. When
we are left alone to suffer by those whom we love, it leaves deep wounds of
abandonment in our souls. We look for help which seem to elude us and take our
hope away. During such moments, we often feel left out as orphans sunk in
exasperation and hopelessness. We feel unwanted and uncared for. We feel
that no one understands and supports us in our struggles. We
experience friendlessness, isolation, insulation and expulsion. During those
dark moments, our enemy will whisper in our ears words of despair and
despondency. In seasons like this, we desperately need to draw unto the Lord
Jesus who is our anchor. He comes to reassure us that even if the whole world
rejects us, He will be with us to comfort and strengthen us. He reminds us that
He will not forsake or abandon us because we are His precious possession. His
Word and Spirit erect a wall of divine love around us and keep us close to His
heart. King David heard the voice of the Lord when all alone as a fugitive in
caves, wilderness and mountains. Paul heard His words of encouragement during
his prison experiences. Daniel heard Him while all alone in the lion’s den. When
we listen to His voice through His Word, the feeling of being forsaken by
others will vanish. Today He comes to remind us that He will never leave us
alone as orphans, but that His presence will dwell with us in all our
friend, are you experiencing rejection, resentment and loneliness in the
roughest moments of your life? Are you forsaken by the dearest and nearest ones
because of misunderstanding, misrepresentation, jealousy, false accusations and
hatred? But in your lonely moments, your beloved Lord comes to you on the wings
of His mighty Word to fill your heart with His peace. His Word will shed light
for your pathway in the dark moments of life when your situations leave you all
alone in the dark alleys of life. His Spirit will fill your heart with divine
assurance of being loved and cherished by your Lord. He will fill you with His love
and show you how He is at work to carry you forward. Today if you feel lonely,
the place to go is the presence of the Lord for a personal encounter with Him. He
is there to speak to you and fill you with the richness of divine fellowship.
His Spirit will fill you with patience, joy and the peace that passes all
understanding. His Word will remind you of His potent promises. His angels will
encompass around you and put a firewall of safety around you to keep negative
thoughts away from your horizon. If you look through the eyes of faith, you will
be able to see God’s angels coming to revive your sagging spirit with new
commissions from Him. The Lord will give you fresh manna to revitalize your
life of faith. He will open your heart to sing sweet melodies of trust, faith
and reassurance. He will work to fill the vacuums in your life with His glory. He
will come to you at the very hour of need with strength, courage and boldness
to face your lonely moments. Today the Lord is your companion and friend
through your troubled and lonely moments. Take a walk of faith with Him, talk
to Him and share all your feelings with Him. Your heart will be at rest as you
enjoy quiet fellowship with Him. You are no more an orphan, but the precious
child of the Almighty.
14:27 - Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world
gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be
Thought for Today
God’s children are not orphans, but inheritors of great and vast
spiritual possessions as they walk with Jesus.
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